4hawks Raptor SR Antenna for DJI RC | Mavic Mini 3 | Mavic 3 Classic
4hawks SuperRange (SR) Designed for DJI RC Mavic Mini 3 | Mavic 3 Classic
- Concurrent dual band 2.4 & 5GHz
- Long range extension without external boosters
- Complete solution
- Please note - Standard antenna is delivered with 15cm aerial RPSMA-RPSMA cables to connect the controller with the antenna. It is possible though, to use longer cables for remote antenna installation.
The 4hawks SR range extender is one of the newest additions to the 4hawks lineup. Do not let the small size of the antenna fool you, this antenna turns your omni directional stock antennas into a directional dual band patch antenna system which then focuses all of the signal in front of the antenna vs a 360 degree bubble around you! This helps tremendously!
If youre looking for an amplified version instead of a non amplified like this 4hawks please check out the Alientech Duo ii for the DJI RC
Electrical parameters:
Port 2: 2.40 - 2.50 GHz & 5.00 - 5.80 GHz
Port 2: 8 dBi (+/- 1 dBi) & 10 dBi (+/- 1 dBi)
Port 2: < 1.50 (max. < 2.15)
Port 2: 90°/65° & 55°/55°
Port 2: Vertical
Port 2: 50 Ω
Mechanical parameters
Mounting: Stainless steel + paint
6.34 x 3.60 x 0.67 inch
Port 2: RP-SMA female